Flowers Foods

Flowers Foods


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$0.04 (0.19%)








Flowers Foods, Inc. is a producer and marketer of packaged bakery foods. The Company’s principal products include bread, buns, rolls, snack cakes, and tortillas and are sold under a range of brand names, including Nature’s Own, Dave’s Killer Bread (DKB), Wonder, Canyon Bakehouse, Tastykake and Mrs. Freshley’s. It offers its sales as branded retail, store-branded retail, non-retail and others. The non-retail and other categories include food service, restaurant, institutional, vending, thrift stores and contract manufacturing. It sells packaged bakery products to wholesale distributors for ultimate sale to a range of food outlets. The Company sells packaged snack cakes primarily to customers distributing the product nationwide through multiple channels of distribution, including mass merchandisers, supermarkets, vending outlets and convenience stores. The Company operates approximately 243 stores. It operates over 46 bakeries.



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