Plug Power

Plug Power


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$0.08 (-3.11%)








Plug Power Inc. is a provider of hydrogen fuel cell turnkey solutions. The Company is focused on proton exchange membrane (PEM), fuel cell and fuel processing technologies, fuel cell/battery hybrid technologies, and associated hydrogen and green hydrogen generation, storage, and dispensing infrastructure. The Company delivers end-to-end clean hydrogen and zero-emissions fuel cell solutions for supply chain and logistics applications, on-road electric vehicles, the stationary power market, and more. In addition, the Company manufactures and sells fuel cell products to replace batteries and diesel generators in stationary backup power applications. The Company's products include GenDrive, GenFuel, GenCare, GenSure, GenKey, ProGen and GenFuel Electrolyzers. The Company’s products and services serve the North American and European material handling markets, and primarily supports large to mid-sized fleet, multi-shift operations in high-volume manufacturing and distribution centers.



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