When Will I Get a Coronavirus Stimulus Check?

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A $2 trillion package to provide relief amid the coronavirus pandemic was passed in one of the largest and most aggressive stimulus measures in our history. There is $250 billion set aside for direct payments to individuals and families, $350 billion in small business loans, $250 billion in unemployment insurance benefits and $500 billion in loans for distressed companies.

When Can You Expect to Receive a Check from the Government?

Most eligible U.S. taxpayers will automatically receive their Economic Impact Payments (aka COVID-19 relief payment), including:

  • Individuals who filed a federal income tax for 2018 or 2019
  • Individuals who receive Social Security retirement, disability (SSDI), or survivor benefits
  • Individuals who receive Railroad Retirement benefits

As of April 13, some Americans are starting to receive checks in their bank accounts. The government can move faster to deliver checks to people who have filed 2019 tax returns with direct-deposit information. Make sure to provide your MoneyLion Checking account information when you file! If the IRS doesn’t have an active direct deposit account on file for you, they’ll mail a check to the address they have on file for you. Checks will arrive more slowly to those who will need paper checks.

No income and no tax return? No problem. The IRS and tax-preparation companies have created a new simple form for the 10 million Americans who have too little income to file a tax return to register for payments.

How Much Could You Get and When?

The Tax Foundation estimates that 93.6 percent of tax filers will get a coronavirus stimulus check. Under the bill, single Americans will receive $1,200, married couples will get $2,400, and parents will see $500 for each child under age 17. That amount may vary by income. Use our calculator below to determine what your stimulus check may be.

Stimulus Check Calculator

Estimate how much money you may receive with the 2021 direct payments

Your Tax Income Status

Use your most recent filed tax return to determine your AGI (Adjusted Gross Income). You can use your 2019 or 2020 tax return. Enter your adjusted gross income found on line 8b on the 1040 federal tax form.


Your estimated stimulus check is $0

The stimulus check amount shown in this calculator is only an estimate and not an assurance of what you will receive. The amount you receive may be different from what is shown here.

Learn More About Getting Relief

Because virus payments may take months to arrive, remember that MoneyLion offers Instacash cash advances and credit builder loans for those looking for fast cash at competitive or zero interest, along with other premium banking features. 

You can also find more COVID-19 relieve resources in a special section of our blog.