What Tickets Don’t Affect Insurance?

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What Tickets Don't Affect Insurance

No one enjoys the telltale signs of a ticket stuck under your windshield wiper or in your mailbox. If you don’t want to pay a fine or you’re a high-risk driver, tickets are bad news. But not all tickets are created equal. Some can have longer-term consequences.

We’re going over what tickets don’t affect insurance and other ways to help keep your premium from skyrocketing out of control.

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Do tickets affect car insurance?

Traffic violations usually result in penalties assessed through tickets. Once a violation has been noted, a ticket is issued on the spot or by mail that details the driver’s name, address, any rules broken, and the amount owed.

Once a ticket has been issued, the motorist has two options: pay the fine or contest it in a court of law. Depending on the nature of the incident, it can even end up on your driving record. Violations on your driving record are more likely to increase the cost of your car insurance.

5 tickets that will not affect your insurance premiums

Every car insurance company sets its own criteria for the types of tickets that affect premiums. Common traffic violations that are less likely to inflate your insurance premiums include:

1. Parking tickets 

As long as you pay your parking ticket on time, it doesn’t end up on your driving record. Overdue tickets may go on record to raise your premium. Not paying on time subjects you to the following risks: 

  • Vehicle towing
  • Increased fines
  • License revocation
  • Unpaid tickets could negatively affect your credit score

Try to avoid getting a parking ticket in the first place or prove your innocence in court.

2. Red-light camera tickets 

If you get caught rolling past a red light without stopping, you’ll be fined. Most states — except California, Oregon, and Arizona, consider this violation to be a non-moving violation, and it often doesn’t end up on your driving record. 

However, just like with other tickets, failure to pay on time can put you at risk for higher insurance premiums. For your driving record and your safety, come to a full stop at traffic lights. 

3. Windows too heavily tinted 

If your window tint doesn’t follow the regulations of your state, you can be issued a ticket for it. The fine itself depends on the state and for the most part, it is a non-moving offense so it is not likely to end up on your driving record

If you fail to pay on time or have multiple tint-related violations, it can go into your record. So, the best course of action is to keep your window tint within the required limit in the first place.

4. Not wearing a seatbelt

If you are in a state that considers lack of fastened seat belts as a non-moving offense (like Florida), the violation will not be on your driving record or affect your insurance premium.

The safest bet is to wear a seat belt whenever you are in the car. 

5. Fix-it tickets

Fix-it tickets are issued by law enforcement officials to get the vehicle owner to follow regulations. Issues can range from a broken tail light to a loud muffler. However, most fix-it violations are non-moving and don’t make it on your permanent driving record. 

If you pay on time, your driving record will not be affected and in turn, your insurance premium will not be raised. However, if you fail to pay the fine on time, your premium can go up. The best way to avoid this situation is to immediately comply with the fix-it ticket’s request and pay the fine. 

Common tickets that will impact your insurance rates

Certain tickets will directly impact your insurance premium. Examples include:

  • Hit and run
  • DUI
  • Refusal of DUI checks like a breathalyzer
  • Racing
  • Reckless driving
  • Suspended license
  • At-fault accident
  • Driving with an open container
  • Passing a school bus
  • Improper passing
  • Illegal turn
  • Wrong lane
  • Failure to yield
  • Speeding in school zone
  • Driving too slowly
  • Cellphone use while driving
  • Not-at-fault accident
  • No seat belt while moving
  • Driving without lights

6 Ways to avoid an increase in your car insurance premium 

Some simple steps every driver can take to avoid an increase in their car insurance premium:

1. Enroll in a traffic school

In some US states, you can avoid certain tickets or their repercussions on your driving record by attending a defensive driving course to help ascertain your mistakes. You may need to pay a fee for this course. 

2. Request a deferment

You can plead guilty and file for a deferral. The court can place you on probation for a predetermined period. If you complete it with no citations, your driving record will remain unaffected. 

3. Contest any unfair or inaccurate tickets in court

If you firmly believe that a ticket is unfair, you can go to the court and argue your case. For serious violations that will affect your driving record or insurance premium, hire an attorney. 

Here are some other ways of reducing your car insurance premium.

4. Reduce your coverage

You can reduce your car insurance coverage to save up some money on a premium. However, be prepared for poor coverage if you eventually have to file a claim after an accident. 

5. Avail of discounts

You can ask your insurance provider if any discounts are available to help lower your premium. If you are shopping for a policy, you can find the best option available by asking each insurer about it. 

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6. Improve your credit score

In many US states, insurance companies calculate your insurance premiums based on your credit scores. Learn how to improve your credit score in 3 months

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Not all tickets are equal

Car insurance can be expensive, and traffic violations vary in impact. By understanding which ones affect your record, you can try to avoid a hike in premiums. Different state laws and insurers can also affect the outcome. Parking tickets, fix-it tickets, and window tinting tickets usually won’t raise your insurance rates. 


Do all tickets go on your record?

No, not all tickets go on your driving record. Parking tickets, fix-it tickets, and seatbelt tickets don’t go into your driving records if you pay them on time.

Is it worth fighting a ticket?

If you are confident about your position, you can contest a ticket in court. You will likely need evidence that the ticket doesn’t apply to you. 

Do insurance companies care about points?

Depending on the state, car insurance companies may raise the premium if you lose points on your driving license. 

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