Watch and learn how to fill out the PPP loan form
BECOMING SELF MADE Let’s fill out the forms together!
Join New York Times bestselling author and entrepreneur, Nely Galán, and a panel of experts from the US Small Business Administration (SBA) for a hands-on working session and live Q&A showing women how to connect to COVID-19 financial relief and resources at the federal and state levels.
Who should watch?
Entrepreneurs, small business owners, freelancers and anyone with a side gig. This financial relief is not just for small business owners! Whether you’re a gig worker, a sole proprietor, or self-employed, this is for you. Nely and the SBA team will give you detailed hands-on instructions, and tips and tricks to help smooth the way.
What is a PPP (Paycheck Protection Program) Second Draw Loan?
PPP (Paycheck Protection Program) Second Draw Loans are government-guaranteed, forgivable loans for qualifying small businesses. They can be used to pay for certain business expenses, including payroll costs, benefits, and much more. But time is running out to apply! You must apply for a PPP Second Draw Loan by May 31, 2021. Learn more about PPP Second Draw Loans here.
Nely and the SBA team will cover:
- Who is eligible for PPP Second Draw Loans and
- How much you can apply for
- What you can use the money for
- How to fill out the application — line by line. Download your copy here so you’re ready.
Plus you’ll learn about:
- EIDL (Economic Injury Disaster Loan) and Targeted EIDL Advance updates. Get the latest updates on EIDLs, which provide businesses in low-income communities with additional funds to ensure small business continuity, adaptation, and resiliency. You don’t need to take any action on this. The SBA is reaching out to those who qualify.
- Shuttered Venue Operators Grants (SVOG). This grant provides emergency assistance for eligible venues affected by COVID-19. Find out if you’re eligible and how to apply. Note: The deadline to apply was for an SVOG was April 8, 2021.