Ryan Peterson

Ryan Peterson is a seasoned personal finance writer with a Bachelor's Degree in Business from Indiana University. With over five years of experience, Ryan has crafted insightful content for multiple finance websites, including Benzinga. At MoneyLion, he brings his expertise and passion for helping readers navigate the complex world of personal finance, empowering them to make informed financial decisions.

Stories by Ryan Peterson

Will Interest Rates Go Down In 2025?
Will Interest Rates Go Down In 2025?

It’s the million-dollar question for homeowners, soon-to-be homebuyers, and anyone eyeing a new car or personal loan. Will interest rates go down in…

IVF Loans
Best IVF Loans: How To Finance Your Fertility Treatment

The path to parenthood can be filled with hope, excitement, and, let’s face it, a hefty price tag. If you’re considering in vitro…

Best Graduate School Loans
Best Graduate School Loans

Graduate school can be a game-changer for your career, but let’s be real – it’s also a wallet-crusher. With tuition costs often hitting…

Is Your Social Security Number Compromised
Massive Breach: Is Your Social Security Number Compromised? Steps to Safeguard Your Identity

Imagine waking up one morning to find out your most personal information—yes, that nine-digit Social Security number that practically defines your financial existence—may…

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