The best career advice you may be missing

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After the graduation party has ended, when the cap and gown are put away, reality sinks in… you have officially graduated and need to enter the job force. The majority of us don’t begin our dream job straight out of school and may need some help navigating the strange world of corporate America.

Finding career advice and inspiration ?️‍♀️

Whether you are a young grad or a nontraditional student, don’t worry, there’s help out there for you. We’ve gathered a list of top career advice resources to follow when you need answers to the hard questions.


A good place to start for career advice is an all-in-one resource that covers a wide variety of career-based topics. The following websites do just that:

Social media channels

You probably look to social media for the latest news, so why not career advice? Social media has quickly become a resource to gain insight into what our peers are doing, both socially (no, you’re not the only one who has stalked high school classmates) and professionally.

  • ==LinkedIn== was made for business and employment purposes. It’s a great way to connect with classmates and colleagues alike. Grow your network and learn what others are doing in your profession. You can also follow CEOs and other influencers to gain additional knowledge into trends within specific industries. The automobile industry, for example, has ==Mary Barra==, CEO of General Motors, who often talks about the future of motor vehicles.
  • When you get tired of reading, you can now look to ==Youtube== for career advice. The ==TEDx Talks== channel is great to watch when you need either advice or inspiration. We enjoyed ==The skill of self-confidence by Dr. Ivan Joseph, who shared a message on the importance of believing in yourself. **Evan Carmichael**== also has a ==Youtube== channel that was made to untap human potential through motivational content. He often takes snippets from interviews with influential people like ==Will Smith== and ==Oprah== to help illustrate his message.

We’re here for you too ?

Looking for financial advice after college? The ==MoneyLion blog== will help you to be financially healthy at any age and gives perspective on topics like ==Facts to know about student loans== and ==Your guide to financial success, decade by decade. Our goal is to help build positive and sustainable financial habits for all. You can follow us on **Instagram, **Twitter, **LinkedIn, and **Facebook== for advice, inspiration, and giveaways!

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There are endless resources out there to look for career advice. Where are you looking? Leave a comment below and let us know.

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